Daisy award logo

The DAISY Award is a nationally recognized award program to celebrate and recognize nurses who go above and beyond in providing exemplary, compassionate clinical care. Here at MWPH, any patient, staff member or visitor can nominate one of our amazing RN/LPN's. 


Know an extraordinary nurse?

Nominate them for a DAISY Award here.




TULIP Award logo


The TULIP Award is a homegrown award program that was created in 2023 to recognize the amazing work of our Patient Care Assistants (PCA), Restoration Assistants (RA) and Certified Medical Assistants (CMA) in both the inpatient and outpatient setting. TULIP stands for Terrific, Unbelievable, Loving, Inspirational Patient Care. This award was created to honor our outstanding staff that go above and beyond in providing exceptional, direct patient care. 


Know a PCA/RA/CMA who deserves this award?

Nominate them for a TULIP Award here.



iris logo

The IRIS Award was created to recognize the work of our Rehabilitation Services employees. IRIS stands for Inspiring Rehab Initiatives for Success.

This award recognizes our:

Adaptive Equipment Technicians
Clinical Child Life Specialists
Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists
Child Life Assistants
Occupational Therapists
Physical Therapists
Occupational Therapist Assistants
Physical Therapist Assistants
Rehab Technicians
Speech and Language Pathologists

They go above and beyond to positively contribute to the functional participation outcomes of our patients to enhance their quality of life.

Know a Rehab therapist who deserves this award?

Nominate them for a IRIS Award here.