Feature Stories

Memories as Meditation
Scrapbooking sessions for caregivers are more than just arts and crafts
A wall of windows bathes the room in gentle afternoon light, and soothing classical music plays in the background. Tables are filled with colorful ribbons, whimsical stickers, sheets of delicate paper, and, most importantly, cherished pictures of children.
Child Life Specialist Tiffany Kaminsky’s scrapbooking sessions for caregivers seem a world away from the repetitive bleeps of medical monitors and the hustle of the hospital floor—and that’s by design.
The bi-monthly sessions at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital (MWPH) can be a place to talk about daily medical struggles, an outlet for creativity or just an oasis of calm from the storm of emotions that sometimes comes with having a child in the hospital.
Jada Ernest of Baltimore was busy creating a page aptly titled “Kamari Strong!” Kamari’s older sister helped her mom, patiently gluing down photos of her little brother’s first weeks. Ernest’s scrapbook includes photos of a visit by the Oriole Bird, visits by various family members, and plenty of Ernest-and-Kamari selfies.
This was Ernest’s first time scrapbooking, but you wouldn’t know it from the progress she made. (having a little assistant probably helped). When Kaminsky gently told the parents that the session was ending soon, Ernest looked slightly disappointed.
“This has been giving me some piece of mind,” she said.
The scrapbooking sessions are made possible through the generous support of Spirit of Halloween stores. The company’s donations – through its Spirit of Children charity – pay for the materials, which Kaminsky said can be costly for an occasional hobby. Kaminsky estimates that the sessions cost about $25 for each parent.
“Without Spirit, none of this can happen because all of our sessions are totally free for parents,” Kaminsky said.
She said the scrapbooking sessions began in 2018 but took a hiatus like many things during the COVID pandemic. Since the pandemic has lifted, Kaminsky said the program has become “her baby.” Kaminsky said she’s proud of the sessions because caregivers also need the camaraderie and fun activities that the Child Life and Therapeutic Recreation Department is known for providing the hospital’s young patients.
Micah User, whose daughter McKenna was treated at MWPH last fall, said the sessions can sometimes become impromptu support groups with parents sharing struggles and advice.
“We needed this,” she said of the scrapbooking. “The little teeny things can go a long way. When you come in here and see things like this you say to yourself, ‘They really care about my family and my baby.'” ♥