Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital
Since 1922, we’ve played a unique role in child-centered care in Maryland. Like our prestigious affiliates, the University of Maryland Medical and Johns Hopkins Health systems, we strive to provide world-class care – and add family to it. Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital: Where children go to heal and grow®
Staff Recognition
The Daisy, TULIP and IRIS awards recognize amazing MWPH staff.
Rehabilitation Careers at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital
Rehabilitation services at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital were designed by our own therapists in order to provide discipline-specific supervision and improved peer review.
Behavioral Health Specialists
The behavioral health staff, psychology faculty, neuropsychology and psychiatry teams.
Charting a New Course With Planned Giving
Trauma and Healing Program
MWPH at UM Capital Region Medical Center
901 Harry S. Truman Drive North, Largo, MD 20774, 240-677-1800
Financial Assistance
View information about financial assistance at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital.
Feature Stories
Psychology Externship
Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital (MWPH) is a specialty and rehabilitation hospital, and is co-owned and co-operated by the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins. The externships at MWPH are 12-month placements, although opportunities to engage in a 9-month externship may be available if space permits.