Aquatic Therapy
Aquatic therapy at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital or our Harford County location, uses water and its properties to perform therapeutic exercise and treatment.
Gait Abnormality
Gait abnormality typically results from dysfunction of the nervous and/or musculoskeletal system. The pediatric physiatrists and physical therapists at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital provide evaluations and treatment plans for the management of a gait abnormality.
Sports Injuries
An increasing number of children have become involved with sports. The rise of both neurological and orthopaedic injuries has also increased resulting in a need for specialized rehabilitation of these sports related injuries.
Sensory Integrative Processing Disorder
Sensory Integrative Processing Disorder is a neurological disorder that causes difficulties processing information from the senses and is treated by the physical medicine and rehabilitation team at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital.
Financial Information
Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital financial information for patients.
Schroth Method
The Schroth Method is a treatment strategy for individuals with scoliosis. It focuses on specific postural exercises and corrective breathing techniques to target the individual needs of the patient.
Scoliosis is a medical condition with an abnormal curve of the spine and is followed by orthopedists. Referrals may be made to physical therapists at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital for exercise management.
Neurological Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
At MWPH, we offer compassionate, coordinated care for a range of neurological disorders, including cerebral palsy and spinal bifida.
Infant Specialty Care Caregivers
The neonatal healthcare team rounds at your baby’s bedside on a regular basis. Parents are encouraged to be part of these discussions.
Pediatric Complex Care
The Pediatric Complex Care Program (PCCP) at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital transitions children with chronic or complex medical illnesses to home.