Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy
The Function Can Be Fun Program at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital provides evaluation and direct skilled intervention for children who suffer with asymmetrical hand usage from various diagnoses such as cerebral palsy, neurological impairments, traumatic brain injury, strokes and brachial plexus palsy injuries.
Gait Abnormality
Gait abnormality typically results from dysfunction of the nervous and/or musculoskeletal system. The pediatric physiatrists and physical therapists at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital provide evaluations and treatment plans for the management of a gait abnormality.
Brachial Plexus
An injury to nerves in the neck that control the shoulder, arm, hand and finger movement. This injury may also be known as Erb's Palsy, Duchenne's Palsy or Klumpke's Palsy.
Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital Board of Trustees
Meet the members of the Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital Board of Trustees.
MWPH Recognized for Childhood Vaccination Clinics for Baltimore City Schoolchildren
The Community Health Advisory Board (CHAB) of Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital (MWPH) was recognized by Mayor Brandon Scott and the City of Baltimore for its leadership in providing access to childhood immunizations.
Allied Health Careers at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital
As a small facility, Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital offers big opportunity for you to develop your skills in a variety of allied health disciplines and functions.
Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital
Since 1922, we’ve played a unique role in child-centered care in Maryland. Like our prestigious affiliates, the University of Maryland Medical and Johns Hopkins Health systems, we strive to provide world-class care – and add family to it. Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital: Where children go to heal and grow®
Staff Recognition
The Daisy, TULIP and IRIS awards recognize amazing MWPH staff.
Pediatric Complex Care Caregivers
View information about the Pediatric Complex Care Program caregivers at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital.
Rehabilitation Therapy Services
Several rehabilitation therapy services, classes and support groups are available through Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital.