Benefits at MWPH
Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital offers excellent benefits that nurture the personal, financial and healthcare needs of employees and their families.
Social Work Careers at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital
At Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital, social workers provide supportive therapy, counseling and education to individuals, families and groups.
Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital Welcomes New Chief Nursing Officer and Vice President of Patient Care Services
Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital (MWPH) announces the addition of its newest member of the executive leadership team, Jacqueline Newton.
Orthopedic Treatments
Pediatric orthopedic services at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital include the evaluation and treatment of infants, children and adolescents with orthopedic disorders.
Balance Clinic
Through the use of our Neurocom® Balance Master (computerized dynamic posturography or CDP), this clinic evaluates and treats children and adolescents with balance and movement disorders.
Early Detection Team
The Early Detection Team at Mt Washington Pediatric Hospital is an Interdisciplinary team of therapists (OT and PT) and physicians (Physiatrist and Developmental Pediatrician) who identify infants at risk for Cerebral Palsy
Group Therapy
MW Pediatric Community Rehabilitation Services
138 Industry Lane , Unit 5A, Forest Hill, MD 21050, 410-578-3768
Nutritional Rehabilitation
Our Center for Nutritional Rehabilitation offers services to children ranging from infancy through adolescence with an array of medical conditions and nutritional concerns.
Virtual Reality Balance System Gets Kids Moving